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Chain LeaderEditorial Archives2004December — Restauratour

Photographic tour of Pick Up Stix

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1. Fiery reds and golds replace Pick Up Stix’s former color palette, a bland collection of stainless steel and light woods.
2. Pick Up Stix’s new design includes packaging and uniforms.

3. Research shows that 72 percent of customers strongly approve of the new design.

4. Hanging implements add a homey feel to the kitchen.
5. The 6-foot-tall menu board guides guests to the right lines.

6. The logo’s calligraphy-looking letters encased in a jagged-edge circle conveys a wok-like feeling.

7. Bamboo-etched plastic screens cordon off a semiprivate dining area known as the “cool room.”

8. Jewel-colored “wok lights” hanging from the ceiling echo the “Asian Wok’d Fresh” theme.
9. Instead of using packets of sauce, Pick Up Stix guests customize their food at the Flavor Bar, stocked with six sauces plus chow-mein noodles and fortune cookies.

Read the full story:
All Fired Up
Pick Up Stix’s from-scratch redesign draws Pan-Asian inspiration from the wok.

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