November 1, 2004
SEFA Holds National Sales Conference
The SEFA buying group has completed its latest national sales conference, which was held in Taunton, Mass., from Oct. 20 through 23.
The conference, which was hosted by SEFA member Perkins Paper, was attended by 150 dealer sales representatives. Representatives of 47 manufacturers were also present to train these reps on their product lines.
The conference featured intensive training sessions in which groups of 10 DSRs worked with a single manufacturer for four hours. Later, these groups were asked to give presentations on what they had learned. The training also included 25-minute rotations by reps to allow them to work with different manufacturers.
During the meeting, SEFA announced the details of its events for 2005. The group’s next national sales conference is scheduled for Jan. 26 through 29 in Houston. The next SEFA University Masters Advanced Dock to Dining course is slated for Feb. 20 through 22 at Enodis USA's headquarters in New Port Richey, Fla.
SEFA’s annual partnership conference is set for April 17 to 21 in Tucson, Ariz. Its second national sales conference of 2005, which will coincide with the 2005 NAFEM Show, is scheduled for Sept. 22 through 25 in Anaheim, Calif.
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