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FE&SFlashNews — 2005-01-03 — News

January 3, 2005

IH/M&RS Accepting Seminar Proposals

The American Hotel & Lodging Association has announced that it is accepting seminar proposals for the 2005 International Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show.

According to the show’s organizers, proposals should address the needs of the hospitality industry. Among the suggested topics are design, technology, human resources, hotel operations, sales and marketing, and lodging trends.

All submissions should include the title of the proposed seminar, a short summary of the topic and a biography of each speaker.

The due date for submissions is Feb. 28, and the selected seminars will be announced in April.

Submissions should be sent to: AH&LA’s Conventions & Events Department, Attn. IH/M&RS, 1201 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005 or .

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