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View an e-book now:

  • Obesity— featuring videotaped interviews with restaurant executives and others

What is an e-book?

More than a simple replica of a print piece, e-books feature videotaped interviews with industry experts and other enhanced content that isn't possible on a printed page. Better still, e-books are easy to navigate and fun to use. The 3D book-like interface eliminates scrolling. Simply click the pages to flip back and forth. The embedded movies allow you to hear directly from the industry experts!

How does it work?

Simply click on the link, and it will quickly download a small file called FlipViewer™ that works just like Internet Explorer/Netscape but looks like a book!

Is this safe for my computer?

Yes! 1.6 million Internet users already enjoy this experience, with more every day. It's easy, too. The FlipViewer™ works on all PCs with any Internet connection (Mac version coming soon). For best results, be sure your screen display is set to 1024x768 or higher.

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